New Delhi, May 31: Dr Alok Shankar, a dedicated entrepreneur and the Director of Ravian Life Science Pvt. Ltd was recently awarded the “RASHTRIYA UDYOG RATAN AWARD” by the National Achievers Recognition Forum for his hard work and dedication as an entrepreneur.
Aspiration to become the director of a pharmaceutical company.
Dr. Alok Shankar has a doctorate and an MBA and ten years of experience in the manufacturing and service of high-quality pharmaceutical products. On May 26, 2022, he received the “RASHTRIYA UDYOG RATAN AWARD” from the National Achievers Recognition Forum. When he was a 20-year-old boy, he battled for his life and survived a bone marrow transplant thirteen years ago. This sickness is classified as Bechet syndrome, one of the rarest diseases for survival. Then he decided to save other people’s lives by entering the pharmaceutical industry and developing high-quality medicines at a reasonable price for the patients.
Dr. Alok Shankar is the director of Ravian Life Science Pvt Ltd, India’s most prestigious company, which has received numerous certifications, including WHO GMP/ ISO 9001:2008- ISO 9001:2015, PPB KENYA, and NDA UGANDA, for manufacturing a wide range of pharmaceutical formulations. We all desire high-quality medicines to treat any disease, which other pharmaceutical companies may view as a profit opportunity and charge more. The Ravian’s reputation, on the other hand, is built on four principles: manufacturing expertise, innovation, quality, and a reasonable price.
Dr. Alok Shankar’s motivation for entering the pharmaceutical industry has benefited countless lives. His leadership has aided the company in reaching new heights and achieving enormous success in India and the global market. Dr Alok Shankar has won the National Pride Award for “Best Pharmaceutical Manufacturer” and “Dynamic Entrepreneur of the Year”. The National Achievers Recognition Forum presented him with the “RASHTRIYA UDYOG RATAN AWARD” on May 26, 2022.

Ravian Life Science Pvt. Ltd. Now manufactures medicines to treat a wide range of patients in more than 25 countries and has earned numerous awards for its achievements. In 2021, Ravian Life Science Pvt. Ltd. Achieved the titles of “Most Trusted Pharmaceutical Manufacturers” from the India Achievers Awards 2021 and “Most Innovative Company of the Year” from the Global Business Awards and Forum.
The most important aspects of starting a business or pursuing a career are dedication, knowing why you’re doing it and having a five-year strategy for yourself and your organization. Throughout his journey, he experienced numerous hurdles and was first criticized, but his perseverance, passion for achieving his objectives, and desire to serve humanity kept him going. “God bless those who help themselves” is a famous saying we’ve all heard, and it’s proven true throughout his life.
“What sets him apart as an entrepreneur is his employee-oriented behaviour, his focus on opportunities rather than problems, and his manufacturing of high-quality pharmaceutical products at an affordable price to serve humanity.” “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” ― Henry David Thoreau. His accomplishments made a difference in society. His advice to prospective entrepreneurs is “Always focus on long term goals in place of short term goals.”
Dr. Alok Shankar’s life journey has a lot to teach the youth and brings a change in the mindset of people to focus on social and earning profits. If his life path has inspired you, don’t forget to share it with your friends, family, and close friends and become a source of inspiration for others. What lessons did you take away from his life? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section.
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